
12 Health Benefits of a Sauna

Did you know there are many respected sauna medical studies showing a myriad of health benefits you can get from regular sauna bathing? At Arvidson’s, we know and have experienced many of them. Read more

Health Benefits of Swimming Pools

Did you know that swimming is the most popular recreational sports activity in the United States?

It’s a great way to get regular physical activity, and nearly anyone of any age can participate. In fact, the health benefits of swimming pools are amazing! Read more

Benefits of Hot Tubbing in the Summer

It’s summer, and you’re spending more time outside. Nature is everywhere, and your hot tub is calling to you. Read more

Health Benefits of Swimming

This guest blog was provided by Dr. Geoffrey Van Thiel, a leading orthopedic surgeon with extensive experience in sports medicine at OrthoIllinois.

No matter what your health goals or physical limitations are, there are endless health benefits to swimming. If you’re suffering from arthritis, osteoporosis or any other issues affecting your joints, you will find swimming especially useful. With regular swimming exercise, you can avoid aggravating your joints and still build muscle definition. Read more

Don’t Be Afraid to Sweat - It’s Great for Your Health

Maybe you thought “sweating it out” at the gym was the only way to reap the benefits of a good old-fashioned sweat.  Think again.

Take advice from the centuries old wisdom of the Finnish and consider heat bathing in a sauna. You won’t believe the many health benefits you derive from the healing power of deep heat.

Don’t be afraid to sweat – it’s great for your health, and here are six reasons why: Read more